Most people don’t have talent

Seth Godin, Ted Schillowitz, Andrew Keen and a bunch of other, equally outspoken, industry bods have got together with House of Radon to make PressPausePlayA film about hope, fear and digital culture. If you have an opinion, on anything at all, which you probably do, watch this trailer!

Let’s face it, we’re all sick and tired of the reality TV bullshit. Vacuous, (mostly) talentless people getting 1,000,000+ views on YouTube, making a one-hit wonder record, only to then appear on Celebrity Big Brother a year later when they’ve spent all their money on booze, drugs and hair-extensions.

Where do these people come from?

And should they be entitled to this life? Not if you ask Amy Phillips, Pitchfork: “Should everyone be able to be a successful musician? Should everyone be able to have a fan base, people buying their music and making a living from it. No. Absolutly not. There are people with talent and people without talent.”

In the same vein, Andrew Keen says “everyone thinks they have a novel in them, everyone thinks they can make a film, everyone thinks they can write a song…that’s why everyone now is buying a cheap video-recorder and throwing their stuff up on YouTube.”

It’s an exiting time to be exeptional

But there is more than one side to the ‘democratized society’ coin. The recession has made it a very interesting time for new young talent. As companies and brands scramble to find ‘the next big thing’, all you have to do is convince them you’re it. And there has never been more free tools to do that, than now.

Go make something. Get paid. Make something else. Repeat cycle.

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