Hitler ♥’s Helvetica

To some people Hipster Hitler may cut a little too close to the line to be funny, but there does seems to be a bit of a trend in poking fun at terrorists, evil dictators and tragic events in history. Some of the most recent, and a couple of my personal faves, are:

  1. Kim Jong Il singing ‘I’m so ronery’ on Team America: World Police
  2. Waj, the intellectually-challenged terrorist from the hit British comedy Four Lions
  3. and of course, Hipster Hitler

They key to their success is not in belittling the atrocities, but in belittling the leaders who created them. Showing them as the socially-awkward misfits they really are offers a new way for people to show their dislike, and to laugh at them by highlighting how detestable they were. To give you a taste, I’ve taken a small quote from the 1st episode of Hipster Hitler.

Hipster Hitler talking about the front cover of his racially exclusive magazine ‘Jewsweek’: “I just desaturated the front cover a bit more. It was looking lame with that ‘try-hard’ Venitian red arm band.”

I hope you ‘reich it’. (ooo was that too far?)

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