Category Archives: language

netspeak 2, real life 0

After my last post about the Om nom nom restaurant sign I was pretty sure it would be a longtime before I saw another high quality netspeak vs. real life example. However my little face lit up with a gasp of ‘OMG’ as I stumbled upon these gems from TWELVEZEROSEVEN and another point had to be given in favor of netspeak. The score now stands at 2 – 0.

Look how many 3 letter imaga-words (imaginary words) you can make. I didn’t even know so many existed. I did really. Hurrah.

Buy some from now and make your desk look cool.

*** Look down here ***
I cmd+shift+4 ‘d these pictures from and TWELVEZEROSEVEN. I’m sure they won’t mind seen as how I’m giving them a plug, but you never know, so thought I’d say.

Words that aren’t, but really should be, in the English language

Despite hailing from the land of journalism and copywriting, amongst other things, where the correct use of English language is beaten into you at a young age, I’m all for forgetting a few things every now and then to make way for new/better things like this.

Ive already 4gotton how 2 spel…yay.

Image found on the delightful website

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What would Don Draper do?

Should you ever find yourself in a bit of a crisis of judgement, take a deep breath, grab a rock and rye and ask ‘What would Don do?’

Two of my favorite Don resources are the Oatmeal’s WWDD? Flow-chart and Don’s personal message board at where he dispenses tidy advice on women, Facebook, how to choose a steak and what to do if you’re sick of your husband.

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netspeak 1, real life 0

For a while now I’ve found myself, without realising, using netspeak in real life. I’ll happily say ‘LOL’ when something tickles my funny bone, or the classic ‘Om nom nom’ when stuffing my face with some tasty pastry and, on occasion, call some one a  ‘n00b’.

I found this picture on Nerdalicious and actually said, in a kind of loving sigh, ‘oh LOL’.

An epic win for the use of net speak in the real world.