Curiosity killed the bear

Whistler has officially hit shoulder season. Yawn.

The Turkey Sale is over, the rain is pouring and the village is quiet once again for another 6 weeks before the madness of winter kicks in. Sadly no tourists = no work in a resort town, but this does give a whole heap of time to get stuff done that normally would get shoved to one side.

Number 1 of stuff that gets shoved to one side: drawing

Having a good old sketch is good for the soul. I wanted to practice some different shading techniques and I think it worked out well. There’s always room for improvement and the next 6 weeks will give me time to do just that – and eventually have a new piece of art work for my house new house. Yay.

If the weather is crappy and you can’t get outside, exercise your creativity inside. The right half of your brain will thank you!

You can buy ‘Curiosity killed the bear’ prints on Society 6

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