Tag Archives: recipies

If you had to walk around in your underwear would it stop you eating junk food?

This is a question I’m experimenting with right now.

If everyone could see the bits of me that I don’t like, would that be enough motivation to make me eat healthier or do more exercise?

This morning I was stood in front of the mirror in my underwear and thought ‘I wish I hadn’t eaten that cinnamon bun for breakfast’ – and in an instant there it was. Cause and effect. If I eat crap, I get wobbly bits I don’t like. But most of the time the effect is disguised by clothing so no-one can see it. And because no-one can see it I don’t do anything about it. So I decided to spend the rest of the day in my underwear, seeing if it effected the way I chose my food.

And it did. This post is my analysis of why I think it worked and could it work for the rest of the world?

*Science Warning* Just so you know, I’m not a scientist. Just someone with who gets enjoyment from sciencey-type-human-behaviour-type things.

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